I Am Wondering If...

Those words begin the last line in this short poem, on this one minute YouTube link. I came across this video for the first time yesterday, when I saw it was linked to a web search I do now and then.

 The short poem is the first poem in my chapter of Tukaram, in my Penguin anthology Love Poems from God. That book offers 25 poems inspired from each of twelve of the greatest poets & saints known. There are 300 poems total in that book; and there is a great range to them. And some wonderful, I think, 2 to 3 pages of historic bios of each of the poets.

Tukaram (c.1608-1649) was a famous poet-saint of India, and the only poet I have ever worked with who reminds me— and can parallel— some grand whimsy in great esoteric truths as does Hafiz at times. A very sweet (perhaps divine) playfulness can touch you in their work.

And this video seems linked with the Aurobindo community based in India. Sri Aurobindo (1872-1958) was considered a great philosopher, yogi, poet & saint. I know that Meher Baba spoke very highly of him. 

And with Christmas coming up (and it really always is), wanted to share this beautiful (to me) picture of Mary and Jesus, and a favorite Rumi poem. And the words of Hafiz, (also on this site, above the Rumi poem) are really something of the cornerstone of Hafiz. 

"A Cornerstone of Hafiz, The Great 14th Century Persian Poet," is a blog entry here on my site, that I feel it is significant. 

These human bodies we have, so wondrous they really are, and the world they move in. I think the great poets are all like Santa, and with some very special manna in their bags, that can so help us. Help us to know— the sun and moon are just a feather on our wing, and we are meant to taste and caress the Sky, God, and each other with more and more love and laughter.

Laughter, is the applause in knowing,

or really being present with Her touch

of existence!


aka: The moon asked about her luminosity

said, "I am laughing. I am knowing!” 

Which I guess this Tukaram poem in the video is really all about! Said in such a sweet playful, genius— Zen— way.

               The touch of existence is the touch of God.

                There are eternal levels of intimacy.

           Live in one, my dear, that makes you 

                 more happy, and more giving!



The Courting Language Of The Gods


An Important Juncture