Dance Open Like The Rose
This short poem, just two sentences, came up a couple times this week. The words on this link are verbatim as printed in my book, The Gift, on page 121. The poem is titled, “It Felt Love.” It is one of my original Hafiz renderings-inspirations.
I like giving some of my Hafiz poems a Zen quality of being only one or two lines at times. I have the idea of even doing a book called: Rumi & Hafiz Go Haiku. (You can read more about that and another of my next books & series in my next blog post.)
I had never heard of Webster Hubbell until seeing this, or ever had any contact with him. Seems he was a major player in politics and law under the Clinton administration. Google him. And the link above, too, offers some bio.
I like a lot his annotation on this poem. And guess he just saw it somewhere on the Web where it was not credited to me or one of my books. It appears in two of them— the other is my Penguin anthology: Love Poems From God. Bottom line: thanks, thanks & thanks Webb, for sharing it like this.
And here are two little Hafiz goes haiku, I just wrote:
sit with me
on a limb in the sky
like the moon
that wild gal the moon
really sings all the time
and wants us to join in
— Hafiz & Danny trying to help the munchkins!
OOO, one more. No wonder scholars don't like me, but couldn't Hafiz (or Rumi) really have said this?
sitting on the moon
with Buddha and dangling
our feet in the sky
I am addicted to haiku, can't stop:
there's lots of room
where the sun and I sit
on a limb in the sky
join us
Got to have a four line haiku once in a while, to keep things lively. And to say: every good Rumi & Hafiz poem, any great art, is really an invitation to join more light, to dance open like the rose.
The sun became so full of love
look at all it can do!