An Important Statement About My Life & Work

Daniel Ladinsky ~ On His Poetry, Spiritual Journey and Intimacy with Hafiz | Technology of the Heart

The above interview and article is in part, a very intimate statement about my life and literary work— about my work with Hafiz and some of the other great poet saints, East and West, like Rumi, Kabir, St. Francis, St. Teresa, St. John of the Cross, Rabia, Mira and others. My seven books with Penguin have become meadows and streams on the spiritual literary landscape around the world.  

I just came across this article, link, today for the first time in years— and thought it really said so much, and could be so important in helping to educate, safeguard, and empower my work after I 'adios' the planet.

And for any interested in knowing about my teacher Eruch Jessawala (mentioned in this link), or some details about how my work with Hafiz began, please read what is said in the introduction to my Penguin book: The Purity of Desire, 100 Poems of Rumi. In that essay titled: “The Wing Comes Alive In His Presence,” I write about Eruch (and how my Hafiz work got started via Eruch) about halfway through that essay.

Also, this link mentions watching a short video of Eruch, that could best be found by Googling: 'Eruch Jessawala To Be Natural.' 

To me, there are fifteen words Eruch says that really distill the theological heights of great spiritual knowledge, and speaks about a realization— someday— of all human beings. And a 'someday knowing' of course, of all fins, wings, hoofs, paws, and all turtle, ant and elephant's feet too— as well as all trees and mountains. Aka: nothing gets left out of becoming Buddha.

Nothing Gets Left Out of Becoming Buddha 

Haiku & Musings

Sounds like a good book title there.

Those fifteen words of Eruch’s, an actual living experience with them, I would say all the great saints have known, and might be equated with being the final golden step on the stairway to the wedding with the sun— union with God.

I can't live them, truly realize them yet. But can so admire them, as one might point to a beautiful place on a mountain they are climbing toward.

Those words are, slightly rendered (as Eruch was speaking as he might to just our own spiritual community): 

"The doer, the cause and the deed, are all emanating from God, and are God."

Yeah, that is a big one, huge, so major league, that I think few in the world can really  know and live. But, as said, we are all climbing toward on the mountain. 

'Nothing gets left out of becoming Buddha.' Where therein one will know that, all is really holy. All is really miraculous. How else could one be truly compassionate and forgiving of all acts? How else could one fully dance? Dance!

Thanks for your time. A big hug and love.

P.S.  That first photo of me on this link, I don't know where that came from. Not my doing having it look— cosmic-ish. But I am a fuzzy old goat now— they got that right. 


The sun’s breath


A Cornerstone of Hafiz The Great 14th century Persian Poet